Wednesday, March 11, 2020

I still like movies.

Hello world, it's me Jordan (Robert). There have been some changes in my life since I last wrote in this here thing. I'm engaged again. That's cool. I'm about to be a Step Dad. That's terrifying. I'm about to be 34. That's fine.

I still like movies, though. Very much so. I usually watch at least one movie a day. I hear it keeps the social life away. LOL. Anyway, like I said, I like movies. No matter if times are good or bad, I like movies. One thing I've noticed though, is how much I miss writing about movies.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I'll talk about movies with anyone willing to listen (usually just my Mommy) all day long, but I miss taking those conversations and thoughts and conclusions and writing them out. I used to do it regularly, mostly when I was married and living in North Carolina. That was a hard time for me. I never made many friends when I moved, and I had missed my old friends and family something fierce. My marriage at the time seemed fine, but later I realized it was during those years that it began to deteriorate. And rather than actively deal with my loneliness (which eventually blossomed into a full on case of depression) or work on my marriage, I turned to movies. Oh and maybe too much booze (BUT I'LL DEAL WITH THAT LATER).

But I wrote about movies, just not on here but for a local newspaper in North Carolina. My taste in movies didn't match very well with theirs, but it was a cool opportunity and I got to see movies for free.

As I mentioned before, I'm giving marriage another go. I'm excited about it. I feel like I learned a lot last time, and I'm ready to take that knowledge and apply it with my new wife (who is pretty fucking cool if I do say so). But even as I enter this new and exciting chapter in my life, I find myself distracted. Stressed. Anxious.

In recent years I helped create Playtime Comedy with three of my best friends. It's been an amazing creative outlet. But recently, due to schedules mostly and some thing called a "Pandemic", we haven't had much chance to get together. The lack of a creative outlet has led to a serious creative dry spell for me, which in turn ignites that anxiety I'm working so hard to control.

I also recently made the decision to start taking antidepressants and anxiety medication to help with my depression and anxiety. Finally admitting the fact that i have both anxiety and depression immediately feels like admitting defeat. I'm finally admitting I'm broken.

"You can't think that way." "You're taking the first step!" "There are only three Die Hard movies!" Wait, I mean yes, but, shit. Whatever. Look this shit is scary is all I'm saying.

It's a tough spot to be in for sure. I want so badly to create yet cannot no matter how much I try. Now yes, times will change, schedules will clear, writers block goes away (if it ever really existed). But right now, I need something. I need a release. I need to talk about movies. You don't have to listen of course (I'm also assuming you can't read), but I'm going to use this space to talk about movies, because I like movies, and that's cool and stuff.

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